Runde 82 | Rang | Syndikat | Spieler |  | 1 | Sonnen im Tempel - Next Gammel Entertainment (#4) | Baumeister, red hornet, hydi, LordsDisciple, g3hK4ck3n, Mopp, [mow]mad, neezer, Popey, Corlis Fataneya, aMandalaY, BlackDevil |  | 2 | Dragon Riders - Long live the Dragon (#7) | Eisticker, carschti, Frids, Tompery, Neddemaus, Draky, Rogardeh, söldner, Flopernikus, Ka-ef, Krebbl |  | 3 | Hippies fahren nicht zur EM (#11) | gersultan, -RS- Hitman, Hitman, Bloodangel125, chickdam, happyrohrer, Polarwolf, oEmmEo, SecretBear, California, LokiDKS |  | 4 | xXx Eichelboyz xXx (#14) | Fregga, g0d.mushe, Elm0, Lizzie, Aireddy, peyman, ritzcrackey1, BLUTbahn, Onkel Dave, wahou, Myrmidon, ACDC |  | 5 | Minen von Moria (#18) | Aimeddeath, Bathyl, fusi, Le Schreck, Invester, Marie Curie, evolution, TerenceChill, R4bbiT, hafke, Trick |  | 6 | SLyndikat (#3) | InuYasha, quui, Ascar, Buttaabrot, -n3mesis-, job2do, cos, Pele-81, Tk1776, King_O, Cridler, Deeki |  | 7 | World of Bots (#1) | Chew, Thargeon, Tares, Doenerski, gomesch, maschi4life, Xecutor, Sensenschlumpf, el-capo, Evil Hitman, Umbrella |  | 8 | Ausgefallene Instrumente (#5) | Darksidy, H3nd4, treehouse, derMatze, snake, .o19, Myon, holti, fuenferkarli, elcattivo, stoneeagle, Prick |  | 9 | born behind a wall (#10) | Zahn !, badrat, Datentroll, rex mundi, TeleTeddy.AS, MICHA83, Streifenhoernchen, Ancoron, da_f33, RoE, KnusperLoard |  | 10 | KYN - OH GOTT das Reh ist tot (#6) | twist187, r3lliK, Rowtag, Heavenly Demon, nufan, semi, Geiss, JansenB, VeeseL, Dicht ist Pflicht, plupp |